Sometimes emergencies arise for which cash is essential. However, not everyone has that cash in their pockets at all times. Moreover, you might not have your debit card and may then wonder if you can load your Cash App card. In such a case, you will ask, where can I load my Cash App card? You must load your Cash App account through another card or via paper money deposit at participating retailers to use your Cash App card.
There are two ways to load money into Cash App. The first is to transfer money from the bank to the linked Cash App account. The other is to load money on the card at a participating retail store.
Where to Reload Your Cash App Card?
Are you wondering where can I reload my Cash App card near me? You can load your card at selected stores. The process of loading money on the card is identical for every such store.
Here is the procedure to follow at a supported retail location.
- Request the cashier to perform a Cash App deposit.
- Give them the phone number you use to sign into your Cash App.
- Now pay the amount you wish to load.
- You may need to pay $4 for loading cash at the store.
- Upon the completion of the transaction, you will receive the money in your Cash App account within ten minutes.
The Retail Locations Let You Load Cash in Cash App?
Currently, the following retail stores allow the loading of your Cash App card.
- Walgreens
- GoMart
- Sheetz
- Walmart (Customer Service Desk and Money Centers)
- 7-Eleven
- Duane Reade
- Speedway
- H-E-B
- Rite AID
- KwikTrip
- Dollar General
- Thorntons
Steps to Locate the Nearest Participating Retailer
As you already know, to load your Cash App card, you need to find a participating retailer. Use the app to locate the nearest participating retailer.
- Go to the Home screen of the Cash App.
- Locate the ‘Banking’ tab here.
- Below the ‘Banking’ tab, hit the ‘Paper Money’ option.
- You will see many nearby locations.
- Now, enter an address in the search bar.
- You will find a lot of participating locations near that location.
- After locating a specific spot, Cash App will provide you an option to access directions through a map application.
Steps to Load Cash App Card with Your Bank Account
There’s another way to load your Cash App card. It is to transfer money from the bank to your Cash App account. This method doesn’t require any money. So, if you are wondering, where can I reload my Cash App card for free, use this method.
NOTE: To transfer money from a bank account to the Cash App account, you must first link the bank and the Cash App account.
- Touch the ‘Profile’ icon on the Home screen of the Cash App.
- After that, choose ‘Linked Banks.’
- Touch the ‘Link Bank’ option.
- Now, use the prompts on the screen to link your bank account with the Cash App account.
- After you add the bank account, you can direct money from it to your Cash App account.
- The money in your Cash App account can be spent anyway with the Cash App card.
Add Funds to Cash App Account by Setting Bank Transfer
This is another technique for adding funds to your Cash App account. Follow these steps to set bank transfers.
- Add your Cash App as a checking account.
- Input the account number and routing number of your Cash App.
- Do it by going to your preferred bank’s Transfers section.
- You can find the details of the routing number and account number in your Cash App’s ‘Bank Transfers’ section.
- Input the amount you want to transfer.
- Now choose your Cash App account and the recipient.
- After that, tap ‘Transfer.’
- You will get the funds added to your Cash App balance within three days.
Replenish Cash App Card by Configuring Recurring Deposits
Are you a consistent user of the Cash App? There might be times when you forget to reload your Cash App card. You can do away with this problem by setting up recurring deposits.
This method will make Cash App take money automatically out of your bank account and direct it to your Cash App balance. Just select the number of recurring deposits from your app and configure the payment frequency. It can be daily, weekly, or monthly.
- Launch the Cash App.
- Hit the ‘Money’ tab on the home screen of the app.
- Select ‘Recurring deposits.’
- This will configure automatic deposits from the bank.
How to Load Your Cash App Card at an ATM?
There is really no way to add funds to your Cash App balance at an ATM. But you can connect your bank account to your Cash App in-app by tapping your profile. After that, click the link ‘Bank.’
Note that you cannot load your card at an ATM. But you can certainly take cash out via the ATM.
Add Your Cash App Card to Your Cash App Account
The best way to use a Cash App card is to add it to your Cash App account. Here’s the procedure to follow.
- Access Cash App on your phone.
- Tap the ‘My Cash’ option. It is present at the bottom-left portion.
- Now tap the ‘Add Cash’ button.
- After that, input the amount you wish to spend.
- To confirm your action, input your PIN.
- Alternatively, you can also input your Touch ID.
- The funds will get subtracted from the balance of your Cash App account when you buy something.
- When you withdraw money from the ATM, use your PIN.
Final Words
Hopefully, now you know where to reload your Cash App card. You can do so at participating retail stores or transfer money from the bank account to Cash App. Follow the steps outlined in this article to load your Cash App card quickly. Remember that you can also consult a Cryptocashapp expert to learn more about different aspects of Cash App.
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